Brand: Beta Utensili
Product Code: BET7042LCD
Availability: Pre-Order
Price: 268,40€
Ex Tax: 220,00€
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WELDING MASK AUTOSCURANTE BETA 7042LCD Article: Beta 7042LCD Code: 070420001 Mask autoscurante welding LCD dimming Specification for arc welding; MIG / MAG; TIG and plasma. Solar power supply and lithium batteries for exceptional durability of the filter LCD viewing area 98x43 mm Shades of darkening DIN 9-13 with tern Protection UV / IR Time obscuring 1/25000 s Time of enlightenment and sensitivity 0.25-1s obscuration delay adjustable Auto turning Form grinding function optimized to facilitate breathing down screen mask electrode welding, MIG MAG, TIG and plasma. Power solar cell and lithium batteries for a crisp LCD filter. The valuable technical characteristics and shape optimized to facilitate breathing down screen make it a product with an excellent value for money.

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